Pubblicato il giorno 23 febbraio 2015 Archiviato in: Eventi

#Digital4EU Stakeholder Forum

Martedì 24 febbraio 2015, si tiene a Bruxelles il convegno #Digital4EU Stakeholder Forum sulle nuove priorità digitali dell’Europa. Nell’ambito dell’iniziativa anche un interessante panel sul copyright, Copyright fit for the digital age.
Sarà possibile seguire l’evento via streaming in tre lingue.

Programma con orario

Pubblicato il giorno 22 febbraio 2015 Archiviato in: Call/Bando Eventi

2015 Translating Europe Forum

The Translating Europe Forum is a yearly event organised by the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission. It brings together translation stakeholders to discuss topics of common interest, such as skills, employability, professionalization, quality, tools, and to promote cooperation between stakeholders. Its aim is to increase the visibility of the profession and to stimulate dialogue and projects of common interest.
Theme of the 2015 Forum: Young people and the Translation Profession.

Call for proposals to display posters and projects at the Forum